symbolic reflections

Alchemy.  The art of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Our lives are a series of transformative experiences, each with its unique intensity, influenced by various aspects of life and the compelling call for change.  These changes can be spurred by health issues, career transitions, relationship endings, a sense of profound dissatisfaction. The darkest times in our lives often serve as catalysts for transformation.  By embracing these processes, we allow ourselves the chance to experience the magic of alchemy, emerging on the other side with the valuable insights gained, learning to turn lead into gold.  These experiences can help us remember and re-discover beauty, joy, and vitality, and our connection to spirit.

Roots and bones symbolize inner resilience and strength, pushing through the cracks, forging a stable foundation and structure.  The opportunity to build based on integrity and authenticity, creating depth and honoring the Earth, the soil, our ancestors.  The willingness to dig deeper and pay tribute to what’s beneath the surface.  Honoring the yin energy, slowing down, nourishing.  When all else dies away in the winter the roots sustain life.  Honoring ancestral burying grounds, honoring and nourishing the rich ecosystem in the soil, the roots fostering connections, drawing up minerals and nutrients from deep within the Earth and returning them to the cycle.  Honoring the cycle of life and death. Tending for future generations.  Exploring the root cause.


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